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SIA Energia Verde

Callidus Capital acted as an exclusive advisor to AS Energoeco, shareholder of 70% shares of Energia Verde SIA, assisting the vendor on all aspects of the transaction, including designing the sell-side process, selecting investor list and approaching them, preparing valuation analysis, coordinating due diligence process with selected bidders, assessing strategic and tactical alternatives and negotiating final transaction documentation.

SIA Energia Verde owns newly developed biomass combined heat and power (RES CHP) plant in Riga, Latvia. The plant has total electrical capacity of 3.98 MW and thermal power capacity of 18 MW, fuel type – woodchips (biomass). All produced electricity is sold to Energy Public Trader (Enerģijas Publiskais Tirgotājs AS) and heat is sold to Rigas Siltums AS.

Baltcap announcement about the transaction